The MiniMaples Literacy Project

Local artist Donna Shaw has partnered with sponsors to provide book themed dioramas for public display to encourage students to read and grow their creativity and imagination!

Check out our dioramas currently available for short term loan to schools and libraries in Southern Indiana:

Our Collection

What People Are Saying

“Our students love when the dioramas appear at our school. These wonderful artistic depictions spur imaginations and inquisitive minds. They are in awe that someone created these mini-peeks into history and books. The most often asked question is “How did she do that?”

Students love to sit and discuss the details of the diorama among themselves so it’s a very good social tool as well.”

— Pleasant Ridge Elementary

“Our students loved all the dioramas so far! The Ocean, The Statue of Lady Liberty, and the Egyptian were huge hits. The Statue of Liberty diorama was a really good discussion starter for immigration!”

— Jonathan Jennings Elementary

“They have loved the dioramas! They unanimously love observing them and finding all the different pieces. After I read some of the Big Old Garden stories, they saw the connections. Some of the students were even making up their own little stories from the diorama! I really saw it sparking their imaginations.”

— Wilson Elementary